How to Consolidate Isobutane Backpacking Fuel Canisters with FlipFuel®

Step 1
Temperature Differential
Place receiving canister in the freezer, ice chest, cold stream, or cool shaded area. Place sending canister in the sun or a warm place.

Step 2
Wait 10 minutes. This creates a temperature differential that facilitates the fuel transfer.

Step 3
Careful, Don't Cross-Thread
Thread canisters onto FlipFuel® device. Sending canister on top ("OUT") side, receiving canister on bottom ("IN") side. Hand tighten.

Step 4
Fuel Transfer
Open valve to transfer fuel. Once fuel transfer is complete, close valve and detach isobutane fuel canisters.
▶️ How to Transfer Fuel with FlipFuel®
See FlipFuel® in action with our quick 45 second instructional video.
▶️ Pro FlipFuel® Review
Watch an in-depth video review of the FlipFuel® Fuel Transfer Device by industry leaders at